Santiago Castro Dau

Software Engineer at ETH Zürich.


I recently completed my master’s in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at ETH Zürich and I am currently working at the Food Systems Biotechnology group as a software engineer. My work in this group consist mainly of developing and integrating bioinfomratics tools for metagenome analysis with Qiime2.

Previous to my master studies I obtained a bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering form the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Since then I have had the pleasure of working in a variety of research projects and institutes in Switzerland and Mexico, including:

My most recent project was my master thesis which I completed at IBM Research Zürich under the supervision of Marianna Rapsomaniki, Pushpak Pati and Adriano Martinalli. In this project, I developed a novel Machine Learning algorithm to do metadata prediction on cancer tissue images using graph representation learning. You can find out more about the project here.

My research interests lie in the intersection of medical research, computer science, and mathematical modeling. I am passionate about science and figuring out how life works! More concretely I’m interested in uncovering how complex cellular systems produce observable phenotypes. My wish is to develop new mathematical models that allow us to mimic the complex behavior of these systems, and propose new hypotheses that can be tested in the lab.

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  • 📨 sanntiago5[at]gmail[dot]com


Sep 12, 2023 🎤 Oral presentation of my masters thesis work at Basel Computational Biology Conference.
Aug 1, 2023 👨🏻‍💻 I started a new position as a software engineer at the Food Systems Biotechnology group at ETH Zürich.
Jun 8, 2023 👨🏻‍🎓 I successfully defended my masters thesis! Big thank you to Marianna Rapsomaniki and Mark Robinson for their amazing supervision.