
Last updated November 2023.

General Information

Full Name Santiago Manuel Castro Dau
Date of Birth 24th of May 1995
Languages Spanish (native), English (fluent), German (B1)
Nationalities Mexico and United States of America


  • 2020 - 2023
    Master of Science in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
    ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
    • Final average, 5.6/6
    • Master's thesis grade 6/6
  • 2014 - 2019
    Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering
    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
    • Admission rate for 2014 was 10% of applicants
    • Graduated with honors, top 7% of cohort
    • Final average, 9.6/10
  • 2018
    Visiting Student
    University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan



Academic Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence
    • Probabilistic AI
    • Interpretability and Explainability
    • Bayesian Learning
  • Biology
    • Tissue structure and functioning
    • Computing in bimolecular systems
    • Computation and memory in the brain
    • Stochastisity in biological systems
  • Others
    • Philosophy of Science
    • Causality
    • Experimental Design
    • Information Theory
    • Dynamical Systems

Programming Skills

    • Programming lenguages; Python, R, git/GitHub, C++, SQL, Matlab, Bash, LATEX.
    • Fluency in popular libraries and command line tools, e.g. PyTorch, scikit-learn, MLFlow, Snakemake, NetworkX, Qiime2, Tidyverse.
    • Experience developing software in Python adhering to various standard technologies and best practices including CI/CD tools.
    • First-hand experience with bash scripting, workflow management systems and high-performance computing environments.
    • Experience with a variety of machine learning approaches, e.g. bayesian, concept, reinforcement and active learning, geometric deep-learning, and vision transformers.
    • Familiarity with proteomic, genomic, transcriptomic, and spatial datasets.